Job Offer PhinC Scientist II
Posted on 02 March 2021: PK Scientist II_Job offer
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that HENRI CAPLAIN contributed 27 entries already.
Posted on 02 March 2021: PK Scientist II_Job offer
Our General Assembly is planned on Friday, June 25, 2021 at 2 p.m. in web conference due to the sanitary situation. The convocations and voting material will be mailed at the latest on Friday, June 11, 2021, only to the members up to date of their annual contributions at the Thursday, June 10, 2021 […]
LOCATION: UIC-P Espaces Congrès 16, rue Jean Rey 75015 PARIS France
DMPK-Centered Approach to Predict Drug Efficacy and Safety Program here : Flyer GMP 2019 16th to 18th October 2019 Château de Montchat – Lyon, France
In France, the conduct of clinical trials requires a prior express favourable opinion of a Committee for the protection of the persons, in French Comité de protection des personnes (CPP). The competent CPPs have been designated randomly, by means of a draw since a law of 2012, implemented in November 2016. However, the random designation did […]
Registration for the 2019 conference of the European Federation for Exploratory Medicines Development (EUFEMED) is now open! The event will be held from May 15 – 17, 2019 in Lyon, France. The conference once again has an exciting scientific programme: The Changing Landscape of Early Medicines Development: Be Prepared! The two-day meeting will include a mixture of […]
On 19 September, EUFEMED organized a successful Forum discussion at the University of Leuven in Belgium. The audience was invited to directly interact with the panel of regulators, leading to fruitful discussions to identify and mitigate risks for first-in-human and early clinical trials. Thanks to the speakers for contributing to the great success of this […]
For the 30th annual meeting of GMP, the AFPT president, Henri Caplain, MD, MSc gave an interesting and informative presentation focussed on the question “Transporter-medicated DDIs, are they clinically relevant?” Download the presentation below: Slides_Henri Caplain_Transporter-mediated drug interaction
Download the presentations here : Slides_Susan COLE_PBPK Modelling in Regulatory Decision-making at the European Medicines Agency Slides_Sebastian POLAK_MPML-MechDermA-Simcyp Model Slides_Neil PARROTT_In silico tools to study food-drug interactions, an Industry Perspective Slides_Neil MILLER_Modelling for First-Time-In-Human Studies Slides_John DIBELLA_Mechanistic AbsorptionPBPK Modeling to Predict PositiveNegative Food Effects.Approaches and Special Considerations Slides_John DIBELLA_Leveraging PopPK and PBPK Modeling.Approaches to Understand […]
French association of the professionals of human and translational pharmacology
34, avenue des Champs-Elysées 75008 Paris 8ème, France
A founding member of
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